Shoptometrist has great article on the barrage of wide leg jeans that are taking over 5th avenue. I recently bought a pair that I love but am still a skeptic.
When I bought my first pair of "wides" last fall, I felt as if I were swimming in the extra fabric, my legs unaccustomed to such freedom. It'll certainly take some time to adjust, and just as we experienced with the advent of skinny jeans, their wide-leg counterparts require a few more fitting room sessions before you find your match. Mine happens to be Anlo (whose lookbook consists almost entirely of wides), but there are definitely some other promising options. Styling note: unless you are very tall, please wear these with heels."
I hear ya sister. Farewell sweet skinny jean.
It's so sad! I can't stop wearing my skinnies and fear I'll need to go to a doctor one day to have them surgically removed. I constantly warn myself that this is how us women eventually turn into unfashionable 40-somethings. We stubbornly cling to all of our favorite trends until we're left, at 47, with a closet full of outdated horrors. I'll be that parent at the soccer game cheering on my kid in my skinny jeans, except by that point they'll have to be let out to accomodate my ever-expanding soccer mom ass.