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C R E A T E + C U L T I V A T E

Posted on: Thursday, May 29, 2014

As many of you know I run a creative workshop and speaker series called Create & Cultivate via my company (NO SUBJECT), held previously in Palm  Springs, Montauk, Brooklyn, Portland and LA --- I am stoked to be bringing it back this year! We are collaborating with Darling Magazine to program an amazing two days held at the Ace Hotel DTLA.

C+C is more than an event it's a community, a life changing experience that is designed to motivate, inspire and ignite passion.

Beyond all the amazing things you will learn and make the thing I love best about C+C is the people. We've had people attend EVERY single C+C, flying across the country because they know they will make lasting friendships and come away a better person.

"Our mission is to pursue every day with purpose, cultivating personal character, and taking those developments into your community. "

Join us August 23/24th and learn more at

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