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Posted on: Thursday, February 20, 2014

The ladies at The Spoiled life did a little feature on me (and Noah Wiley of course).

Check it out here and get a little view of my pad.

2 had something to say:

  1. I actually found your blog through that article!and I must say you really do look like Zooey ;)

    I dont know why I chose to comment the first thing I did as a new visitor but now that I started i might as well continue typing ;). I am a talker, which you will notice by the end of this comment... he he.

    I checked out your company too, I got intrigued my the title. I dont know why but the title reminded my of Andrew Lloyd Webber's company "a very useful group". I guess its because it fits into the category of company names that are hard to forget xD!

    Also, I read on your company homepage (yes I am browsing around all over the place while I am writing this comment) that you have been featured in a bunch of magazines! Which is not a surprise, but I was wondering, do you usually get contacted or do you ever reach out to magazines yourself?

    I am very new to blogging (2 weeks) but I already got an offer to be a columnist for a magazine, I got invited to an event in NYC, and I already got contacted by two companies. (Worth mentioning is that I have been instagraming for 4 months.) But I don't know how much I should charge, or if I should charge any money for all this..... do you have any advice for me?

    I dont have 50 000 unique visitors a month like you, I only have around 100-200 a day, and I havent been blogging for a month yet so i dont know what number I will have per month at the end.

    Latest postNo 3 Rule fo a Lady and why receiving compliments is uncomfortable

    1. Thank you for your email! Magazine's tend to reach out to me but keep chugging along and I will be sure to check your blog out!


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