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Shop Bird

Posted on: Monday, April 27, 2009

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We all know them. Those adorably minimal shops with one word names, that are impeccably curated, carrying every item you are dying to have. Well here is another one, Bird.

Bird is a whimsical shop in Park Slope, Brooklyn that I popped into yesterday and trounced around in for a few hours. The shabby chic enclave is filled with hanging scarves, brightly colored skirts, and perfectly aligned jewelry. As an avid online shopper it was exciting to see and touch and feel the items I drool over on a daily basis.

The owner of Bird, Jen Mankins was previously an assistant buyer at Barney's and later the head buyer for Steven Alan. Therefore Bird is essentially the shop love child of high fashion Barney's and the quirky cool Steven Alan which is in a word- Glorious! And as luck would have it they have an equally adorable website where I can continue browsing for hours. The site features designers such as Loeffler Randall, Alexander Wang, and Vena Cava. Enjoy!

430 Seventh Avenue
Park Slope
Brooklyn , New York

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