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Which one?

Posted on: Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I am in between bags! Which one do you like better? I want it in black the picture with the model gives a better view of proportion. I am not giving names and prices I just want to know which you think is better!

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5 had something to say:

  1. #1. Night out!
    #2. Day out!
    #3. Don't really like.

  2. i like the black!! cute for night but might be bulky.

  3. The first one is the one I like best. Seems it would go with more and last for longer.

  4. I like the first one! Just enough hardware, but not so much that it gets in the way. Do NOT like the fringe...

  5. I like the first one! Just enough hardware, but not so much that it gets in the way. Do NOT like the fringe...


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